Broken Teeth: Dental Emergency

Broken Teeth: Dental Emergency

Teeth are often broken or cracked. Of course, dental injuries are common. Fortunately, new dental restorations can make your smile look beautiful again, mostly if done correctly. Of course, you may face some complications after the restoration process. The common side effects of dental restorations include tooth sensitivity, which will soon be eliminated. Therefore, it is essential to know what to do in case of a broken tooth. Please keep in mind that a trusted walk-in dental clinic can always help you deal with your dental emergencies. If a blow to the head damages your tooth, it is best to be examined by an emergency dentist.

Reasons for Broken Tooth

Teeth are significantly strong but are prone to chip, crack, or fracture due to the following reasons:

  • Biting something hard
  • Impact on the face or mouth
  • Falling
  • Tooth decay that weakens teeth
  • Whenever your tooth is broken due to any reason, you have to visit the emergency dentist immediately.

Signs of a Broken Tooth

There may be no pain when your tooth is broken or chipped. In some cases, the emergency dentist can diagnose the broken tooth by dental examinations. A minor fracture usually does not cause pain, but it may be painful if a large part of your tooth breaks, especially if the nerve inside the tooth is exposed or damaged. It can be very annoying if the tooth is exposed to cold air or hot or cold drinks and foods. Many people feel pain when chewing food because it puts pressure on the teeth. If the tooth roots are damaged, the emergency dentist may perform root canal therapy.


Types of Broken Tooth and Their Treatment

There are several types of broken and cracked teeth, each of which requires a specialized treatment by an emergency dentist. The emergency dentist may recommend one of the following treatments.

Partial fracture

They, also called hairline cracks, are superficial cracks that only affect the tooth’s outer white surface, called the enamel. Minor fractures rarely require treatment. However, the emergency dentist may gently polish the tooth surface to smooth out rough areas. Restoration of a broken front tooth is more important than other teeth because it will affect the smile.

Cracked teeth

In this case, the entire tooth from the surface to the nerve is involved. The cracks gradually expand. But because a small crack can open the way for infection, it’s important to visit the emergency dentist (if there is pain or not). The emergency dentist uses X-rays to determine the extent of the injury and take appropriate action. The emergency dentist may also fill the tooth or use composite. In most cases, the emergency dentist puts crowns on the tooth to prevent more severe complications. If the pulp (nerve and other living tissue) is damaged, the emergency dentist may perform endodontics or root canal therapy.

Chipped tooth

A minor chipped tooth does not always require treatment. To repair the damage, the emergency dentist may recommend using bonding materials to prevent cracking or improve the tooth’s appearance. A chipped tooth may be polished and smoothed by the emergency dentist.