8 Benefits of Far Infrared Mats
Health & Fitness

 8 Benefits of Far Infrared Mats

A History of Heat Therapy

The application of heat to treat certain conditions, including achievable tumors, has a long history. Ancient Greeks, Romans, and option used hot stones, wrapping them in hot. blankets or immersing them into hot water or sand to gift breast masses. 2,400 years ago, Hippocrates, noticed tumor shrinkage after a fever and came to the plan of inducing a fever to cure sickness. Medical practitioners in ancient India used local and whole-body hyperthermia (raising the body temperature) for healing ambition and anti-aging. Asians heated by the sun, with handmade mats with Amethyst, Tourmaline and Jadeite stones to accumulate the thermal healing energy of the sunlight, which was relocated to the body while sleeping on the mat. Turkish baths, Russian banyan, and Finnish saunas are other examples of traditional heat therapy treatments. Modern scientists consider that hypothermia (low body temperature) may be the cause of many sicknesses, including cancer, and even a 1.8° increase of the body temperature may improve the immune function by 40% and can enhance production of enzymes and hormones by up to 50% and stimulate the metabolic processes up to 12% by increasing calories burn and fat loss.

Both negative ions and cardinal heat go into the body through the board layer of natural amethyst crystals covering the exterior of the mat’s construction. Amethyst lucid refraction organizes the far infrared light and negative ions into patterns with the best biocompatibility and healing effects.

When used at above temperatures, far cardinal therapy can discover a false fever in the body with its deeply penetrating heat from four to six inches into the body. Fever stimulates the immune system into producing more white blood cells, antibodies, and a protein called interferon, all of which work to protect your body against painful microorganisms. Just a one or two-degree development can produce very healing effects. Fever also increases metabolism.

Amid all this activity, your circulation is expanded, stimulating natural detoxification, thus developing your metabolism. The deeply penetrating heat is very relaxing and soothes stressed muscles and reduces pain and infection. There are a lot of benefits using Infrared for Health.

Modern Far Infrared Amethyst Mat Benefits

There are much health benefits to far cardinal therapy! Here are a few of the many far infrared therapy benefits

1.   Improves Circulation & Cardiovascular Function

Far cardinal therapy raises body temperature, warming the blood and expanding the blood vessels. This discovers a development in peripheral blood flow and volume, appear in improved circulation and heart function, as well as oxygenation.

2.   Improves Immune System Function

Far cardinal rays’ deeply penetrating heat raises body temperature, inducing an artificial and healthy fever, which promotes the killing of many pathogens, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. As the body works to activate the “fever,” the body’s immune system is activated and strengthened by increasing production of white blood cells. Combined with the detoxification of harmful toxins and waste products, one’s comprehensive health and resistance to disease are greatly upgraded.

3.   Relieves Pain and Chronic Inflammation

The deep penetrating heat of the far cardinal therapy helps peripheral blood vessels dilate, bringing relief and healing to the muscles and soft tissue injuries. Increased blood circulation carries away metabolic waste products and delivers oxygen-rich blood to depleted muscles so they regain faster.

4.   Burns Calories and Controls Weight

As one relaxes in the gentle heat of the far cardinal mat, one’s body is actually hard at work, producing sweat, pumping blood and burning calories. According to a Journal of the American Medical Association detail, a single far cardinal session burns as many calories as rowing or jogging for 30 minutes.

5.   Eases Joint Pain and Stiffness

Far cardinal heat therapy is widely used to treat patients who are suffering from many kinds of arthritis and musculoskeletal disorders. In addition, it has been proven effective in the treatment of sprains, neuralgia, bursitis, muscle spasms, joint stiffness, and many other musculoskeletal ailments by developing the growth of cells, DNA and protein synthesis necessary for tissue adjustment and regeneration. Stiffness, aches, and soreness that come with aging are reduced or eliminated using far cardinal therapy.

6.   Reduces Stress and Fatigue

The gentle warmth of the far cardinal rays helps to soothe nerves and relax tight or knotted muscles by heating the muscle fibers. The end reaction is an improvement in the balance of blood pressure, blood sugar and nutrients in the cells resulting in increased muscle strength, mental stability and upgrade power.

7.   Improves Skin

The FIR’s heat and negative ions penetrate acutely into the body, through the skin, helping to detoxify grime from the skin and lymphatic system. In addition, the far cardinal greatly enhances exfoliation by rapidly removing dead skin cells. Expanded circulation draws the skin’s own natural nutrients to the facial, rejuvenating the skin’s health and appearance.

8.   Assists in Detoxification

Far cardinal therapy helps to detoxify the body in several important ways. Increased blood circulation stimulates the sweat glands, releasing built-up toxins and waste. Daily sweating can help detoxify the body as it rids itself of accretion of potentially carcinogenic heavy metals, alcohol, nicotine, sodium, sulfuric acid, cholesterol, and uric acid. In addition to causing the body to sweat, the far cardinal is capable of removing toxins via several other bodily systems.

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