6 Ways That Diabetes Can Affect Oral Health

6 Ways That Diabetes Can Affect Oral Health

What many dental patients don’t understand is that diabetes, or uncontrolled blood sugar levels, can have a severe effect on their overall oral health. This is because diabetes can weaken white blood cells, which, in turn, can weaken the immune system. This means that people with certain types of diabetes are much more vulnerable to experiencing bacterial infections and dental health issues.

Keeping That In Mind, Let’s Take A Look At Some Ways That Diabetes Can Affect Oral Health:

Dry Mouth- uncontrolled blood sugar levels reduce the flow of saliva, resulting in a drier mouth. Prolonged dry mouth leads to tooth decay, infections, ulcers, and soreness.

Gingivitis- a common oral health problem that people with diabetes experience is gingivitis. Due to high blood sugar levels, bacteria will turn sugar into acidic waste and lead to bleeding gums. This, in turn, increases the risk of plaque build-up and tooth decay.

Periodontitis- untreated gingivitis can cause pockets of bacteria to dig in deeper into the gums and lead to periodontitis, a worse type of gum problem which erodes the tissue and bone. If periodontitis becomes more severe, it is possible to lose your teeth permanently. Severe cases of periodontitis are often irreversible because people with diabetes have weakened white blood cells.

Fungal Yeast Infection- oral fungal yeast infection, or thrush, is common in patients with diabetes. Thrush can cause red or white patches inside the cheeks and on the tongue. Sometimes, this condition could develop into open sores. Patients with diabetes who take antibiotics, smoke, or wear dentures have higher risks of getting thrush.

Burning Mouth Syndrome- a combination of dry mouth and thrush could lead to burning mouth syndrome. The numb and tingling sensation are similar when your mouth is recently scalded with hot coffee. The patient’s ability to taste flavours is diminished which often leads to adding more sugar to their foods and drinks.

Slow Healing- due to weaker immune system and higher level of sugar inside the mouth, oral infections and wounds can take longer to heal and the risk of infection will increase.

Contact Dentac

To learn more common ways that diabetes can affects oral health, contact Dentac today and speak with a knowledgeable dental academy representative who can assist you and answer any questions you might have.

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