Helen Bailey Books

10 Telltale Signs You’re Dating an Alcoholic

10 Telltale Signs You’re Dating an Alcoholic

If drinking is a central component of your partner’s social life, they may be experiencing the early signs of an alcohol use disorder.

As an illustration, your partner might go on a date night without alcohol only to suggest going to a bar later.

A person’s life is significantly affected by alcohol use disorder (AUD), including the lives of those closest to them. You might be concerned that your partner has an alcohol use disorder if you feel that something is off or if you notice any concerning behaviors. Without expert assistance, AUD can be challenging to break once it starts.

Continue reading for 10 indications that your partner may be an alcoholic and advice on what to do.

Even though AUD can have profound effects on a person’s life and those in it, it can sometimes be difficult to spot in its early stages, particularly if you think your partner might fall under the category of a high-functioning alcoholic.

1. Alcohol Is The Focal Point Of Their Social Interactions

If drinking is a central component of your partner’s social life, they may be experiencing the early signs of an alcohol use disorder.

As an illustration, your partner might go on a date night without alcohol only to suggest going to a bar later. When a person does not abuse alcohol, they usually reserve their drinking for special occasions like weddings or family reunions. Instead of the other way around, the alcohol is there to go along with these events.

People with AUD frequently hang out with other drinkers because they might find it easier to defend their behavior if their friends are also dependent on alcohol.

2. They Consume Alcohol To Reduce Stress Or Anxiety

Everybody faces challenges in life. Alcohol can temporarily reduce stress because it has sedative and depressant effects on the central nervous system. However, it can be a huge red flag if your partner drinks to decompress.

Alcohol-free individuals can reduce stress by engaging in healthy coping mechanisms like exercise, mindfulness practices, or rest. In contrast, someone who is battling an alcohol addiction is more likely to use the drug to cope with life’s stresses.

Additionally, they might drink to alleviate mental health symptoms like anxiety or depression.

3. They Consume Alcohol Day Or Night.

Some individuals schedule time to partake in one or more alcoholic beverages, whether it be a glass of wine with dinner or a cold beer with friends at a barbecue. However, if someone has alcoholism issues, they will drink at any time of day to sate their cravings. They might decide to drink first thing in the morning, in the middle of the day, or at night and make an effort to rationalize the action.

4. They Become Different Persons After Drinking

After a few drinks, a person with AUD might not seem drunk, but as they drink more, their mood might change. For example, a person with AUD who struggles to express their emotions might become very emotional after drinking. If you observe that your partner, who is ordinarily calm and kind, turns cruel and irate after drinking, or exhibits other notable personality changes, they may have a drinking problem.

5. They Face Issues in Various Elements of Their Lives

The fact that drinking has started to affect every aspect of your partner’s life is another important sign that they have a drinking problem. You might observe, for instance, that they are skipping work or forgetting to spend time with friends and family. Your relationship may be suffering as a result of their drinking. And even though they may swear off alcohol because of its drawbacks, they will ultimately find it very difficult to stop.

6. There Is A History Of Alcoholism In Their Family.

Compared to the general population, those who have a family history of AUD are more likely to develop it. You might become aware of AUD symptoms as you get to know your partner’s family, particularly among close relatives like parents.

7. They Consume Whatever Is Available To Them.

Many people partake in alcohol consumption for social purposes and maintain a brand or type of alcohol loyalty, such as a particular beer or wine brand or a particular cocktail. If their preferred beverage isn’t available, they might choose a non-alcoholic beverage. However, regardless of the type or brand of alcohol, those who are addicted to it will consume it.

8. They’re Creative

Addicts to alcohol always manage to save just enough cash for a few drinks. To do this, they frequently become creative. For example, they might not have enough cash for a date night out but still manage to pay for drinks at the bar.

9. They Don’t Appear Drunk

After consuming a lot of alcohol, a person with AUD frequently displays no signs of intoxication. Because frequent alcohol consumption can eventually result in tolerance, which makes it necessary to drink increasingly more to experience its effects.

10. They Easily Become Annoyed

A person with a substance use disorder like alcoholism may experience mood swings and personality changes similar to these as well as easy irritability if they haven’t had a drink in a while. Alcohol withdrawal can make people easily irritated by even the smallest annoyance. Your partner might start to lash out at even the smallest irritations in everyday life.

Steps to Take if This Sounds Like a Loved One

Alcohol use disorder can be treated by a variety of professional programs, ensuring that your loved one has a comprehensive plan that fits their needs and way of life. The following advice will help you support your health and well-being:

Establish boundaries with your partner and communicate your issues clearly. It’s important to express your concerns in a clear and concise manner. You can encourage them in their sobriety while maintaining a sufficient distance to prevent the development of an unwholesome or codependent dynamic.

Maintaining a partner who suffers from AUD can be challenging. To prevent losing yourself in your partner’s healing process, it’s crucial to take care of yourself.

Helpful Resources

Addiction Rehab Program

Addiction Recovery Facility

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Centre

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