Emergency Dentist
Health & Fitness

Root Canal Therapy And Emergency Dentist

Root canal treatment, like any care and action, should have a proper time. Determining whether a tooth needs endodontic (root canal treatment) is not always easy and requires examining the signs, symptoms, and testing of the dental nerve by an experienced emergency dentist. If you are experiencing a severe toothache that needs endodontic treatment, various symptoms should be evaluated. The patient diagnoses some of them, and other factors are determined only by the emergency dentist. Symptoms that you can notice include: pain or signs of infection or swelling, which is the first signal to a person. For more information, you can call any emergency dentist in your vicinity or you can call our Richmond Hill emergency dentist.

Your emergency dentist will examine you by the symptoms you have experienced: type, location, duration of the pain.

The symptoms are obvious to the dentist. Some teeth appear to have nerve problems, but for a trained eye, it is easy to find the cause. Some common points include dark tooth color, infection, soft tissue changes, and asymmetry. Sometimes, the dentist needs to apply additional tests to determine if a tooth needs root canal treatment. Once an emergency dentist has identified one or more damaged teeth, he or she will perform further tests to diagnose the problem accurately.

 Additional evaluation:

-Tooth restoration status (defective, recently filled)

-Periodontal condition (gum health)

-Smile check

-Evaluation of cracked teeth.

-Signs that the tooth needs to be root canaled

One of the most common symptoms that patients are afraid of is swelling of the dental canal (acute apical abscess). This condition is diagnosed by rapid onset of pain, spontaneous pain, severe tooth sensitivity to pressure, nodule formation, and swelling around the tissue. Fortunately, experiencing all of these symptoms is an exception, not a general rule. Instead, just one or more symptoms may be experienced, and that coincidentally suggests that endodontic treatment is sufficient.

Toothache is not always a symptom of root canal treatment. Some damaged teeth never hurt, but when you have a toothache, you need to recognize the type of pain. The toothache can be very sharp or very slight. It may include a slight pulse (you feel it is beating).  The duration of toothache varies. Some discomfort may occur intermittently (days, weeks, months). In other cases, this will be the person’s first painful experience.

Pain can be due to allergies (such as exposure to hot or cold foods and drinks), and sweets; When the tooth stimulus is removed, after a short time, the pain subsides (often for 30 seconds or more) and they may eventually disappear or continue for a long time. In some cases, heat irritates the tooth and cold liquids or ice can sooth it. Sometimes ice is used by patients for temporary relief, and it is common to use painkillers for controlling pain.

What should you do if you think your teeth need root canal therapy?

Do not hesitate to see an emergency dentist at the first sign; do not hypothesize by using website information. It delays the healing process, while timely treatment makes the job easier and cheaper. Some people believe that it is too late to treat, and they have to spend a lot of money on treatment or are afraid of treatment. Do not make this mistake. If you have a decayed tooth, tell your dentist. It can make a big difference in what you experience, both in terms of the type of treatment and the cost.